News and views from north Bristol's urban village

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Plastic Bottle Success

Bristol residents who want to recycle but are frustrated by the difficulty of doing so with plastic bottles may take some small comfort from the city's recognition by the environmental charity Recoup who have described Bristol as the number two city in the country for plastic recycling.

Bristol residents recycled nearly 930 tonnes of plastic bottles in 2007 via the city’s 39 plastic bottle banks. In May, three new banks were opened - bringing closer the aim of all residents living within a mile of such a facility. There are now 42 plastic bottle recycling sites in the city, compared with only 7 in 2004. Sites currently collect over 77 tonnes of bottles a month. A map of the plastic recycling sites can be viewed here.

Nationally, an average household uses 500 plastic bottles a year, of which 130 are recycled. In 2006, the cost of producing these these bottles was £50 million with a further £100 million spent on getting rid of them.

Made originally from oil, plastics remain a key target area for those seeking to reduce carbon emissions at both the manufacturing, transportation and disposal stages.
More on the issue of plastics and recycling at Recoup.

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