News and views from north Bristol's urban village

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Bruce Parry - Man of the West

Bruce Parry, host of Amazon and Tribe, is a west country lad, being educated at Wells Cathedral School between 1978 and 1987.

Here's a few other things you might not know about one of Television's current stars:
  • he's a former Royal Marines officer; his specialism was physical training and sports - which is why he's well hard!
  • when not traveling the world, he lives in a farmhouse on the island of Ibiza
  • he doesn't own a TV
  • "I've never pretended that I'm an anthropologist"
  • after the Marines, he started a course at Loughborough University but dropped out after 18 months
He's also recently partnered with a number of musicians to release a CD - AmazonTribe - to raise funds for Survival International.

You can contact Bruce via his MySpace Page if you want.

You can also read about what some professional anthropologists think of his work here.

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