News and views from north Bristol's urban village

Monday, 13 October 2008

Taxi Swerving in Wellington Hill West

Driving home from some friends' house last night (Sunday) I was concerned to see in my rear view mirror a car driving erratically along Wellington Hill West. It had its lights off, hazard warnings on and was swerving across the road.

Concerned, I pulled over and let it pass, then followed it intending to call the police as it had all the hallmarks of a drink driving incident, although I had the impression that there may have been a struggle going on inside the vehicle as well.

I was surprised, therefore, to see the car (a taxi) swerve into the front driveway of Southmead police station and come to a stop. I was just about to call the police when a marked car, followed quickly by another, drove down Southmead Road and stopped outside the station.

The following news story from the BBC fits the circumstances but not the time, as it was about 10.30 when I witnessed the above incident.

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