News and views from north Bristol's urban village

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Odds on Bristol Mayoral Election

As of Tuesday night, here were the odds offered on the Mayoral Election by Ladbrokes.

Marvin Rees (LAB) 2/7 George Ferguson (IND) 5/1
Jon Rogers (LD) 6/1 Geoff Gollop (CON) 25/1
Spud Murphy (IND) 33/1 Owain George (IND) 50/1
Stoney Garnett (IND) 66/1 Danielle Radice (GRN) 100/1
Tony Britt (IND) 200/1 Philip Pover (IND) 200/1
Dave Dobbs (IND) 200/1 Rich Fisher (IND) 200/1
Tom Baldwin (TUSC) 200/1 Neil Maggs (RES) 200/1
Tim Collins (IND) 200/1

So, the bookmaker appears to think that Avonmouth warehouse operator Spud Murphy is three times more likely to win than Green Party candidate Danielle Radice.

Seems rather strange to me.  

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