News and views from north Bristol's urban village

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Sainsbury's for Westbury Village Centre?

Sainsbury's Local - Chapeltown
Sainsbury's Local - Chapeltown (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A local business owner recently told me that he thought Sainsbury's was in the process of applying for planning permission to open a Sainsbury's Local on the site of the former Forester's Pub on Westbury Hill.

The pub had a reputation for crime and anti-social disorder in the years leading up to its closure in 2011.

Long-term residents will remember that Sainsbury's tried previously to open a supermarket in Westbury when the future of the Westbury Hill car park was being discussed by the City Council several years ago. The planning application was strongly opposed by local residents and businesses, and the Westbury Primary Health Care Centre was built on the site instead. 

One to watch.

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